Write a program to print simple integer variable.

# Declare and initialize integer variables

age = 25

height = 180


# Print the values of the variables

print("Age:", age)

print("Height:", height)

Write a program to print string variable and concatenation.

# Declare and initialize a string variable

name = "Alice"


# Concatenate string variables

greeting = "Hello, " + name + "!"


# Print the greeting


Write a program to print float and airthmatic operation.

# Declare and initialize float variables

price = 19.99

tax_rate = 0.08


# Perform arithmetic operations

total_price = price + (price * tax_rate)


# Print the total price

print("Total Price:", total_price)

Write a program to print boolean variable and logical operation.

# Declare and initialize boolean variables

is_sunny = True

is_raining = False


# Perform logic operations

bring_umbrella = is_raining or is_sunny


# Print the decision

print("Should I bring an umbrella?", bring_umbrella)

Write a program to print multiple assignment.

# Assign values to multiple variables in a single line

x, y, z = 10, 20, 30


# Print the values of the variables

print("x:", x)

print("y:", y)

print("z:", z)

Write a program to print constant convention.

# Constants are conventionally named in uppercase

PI = 3.14


# Calculate the area of a circle

radius = 5

area = PI * (radius ** 2)


# Print the area

print("Area of the circle:", area)